Book of the Week: Wolf Hollow, by Lauren Wolk

Wolf Hollow, Lauren Wolk
Historical fiction

Annabelle never wanted to become a liar.

She lives in a sweet Pennsylvania town with a dark name: Wolf Hollow, for the holes people dug all through the hills to catch roving wolves. It’s the middle of World War II, but things are peaceful in Wolf Hollow – until Betty Glengarry moves to town.

From day one, Betty is out to get Annabelle. It starts out with threats, but before long, Betty escalates to real violence: hitting Annabelle so hard she bruises, killing animals, setting a deadly trap for Annabelle’s brothers. Her cruelty is unlike anything Annabelle has ever seen.

After Annabelle stands up to Betty, the girl seeks out a new victim: Toby, a strange but kind war veteran who lives in the woods. But when Toby and Betty both disappear, Toby is blamed for all of Betty’s cruel acts. After all, how could a pretty blue-eyed young girl be responsible for such awful things?

Annabelle is the only one who knows the truth about Betty, and the only one who can save Toby. But secrets and lies have devastating consequences, even when they’re meant for good.

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